Portugal Team

Criteria for selecting students for ecological brigades

In the ERASMUS KA229 project «There is Sea and Sea … There is an Ocean to Take Care», the students who will participate in the mobilities will belong to the «Ecological Brigades», which will be created in all partner schools. They are students from different levels of education (Primary School and Lower Secondary Education). For the creation of ecological brigades, the following aspects will be taken into account, among others:

  • students who are part of the project writing and development team;
  • students who express environmental concerns, especially concerns related to ocean pollution;
  • students who are willing to set an example with other classmates, helping to eliminate trash at school during breaks;
  • students who are willing to do an “ecological audit” of their school to find out what their school can do to save the planet and the oceans, communicating these results to the board and to the student assemblies, in order to find solutions environmentally friendly and, as far as possible, to implement them;
  • students who reveal collaborative and social skills;
  • students who demonstrate initiative and willingness to participate in the project;
  • students who demonstrate the ability to communicate in English;
  • students who show at least satisfactory academic performance and good behavior.


Pre-primary school students will not go on mobility, but will participate in the other activities included in this project.

Students who benefit from mobility will be selected from among students who are part of the ecological brigades.

April 2023

April 2023-May 2023