Bulgarian Team

18 March 2021

Today – 18th March, is the Global Recycling Day. Students from 6th grade from Angel Kanchev Third Secondary School arranged an exposition with different objects made from plastic. They also researched about the period of decomposition of different types of plastic packaging and made posters and a brochure as a part of the school strategy 5 Rs — Research – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Remove”. The school strategy for dealing with the problem of plastics in our daily lives was prepared after analyzing the questionnaire  “Plastic at school”, conducted in all partner schools.

17 April 2021

Angel Kanchev Third Secondary School joined the campaign «I believe and help». This way we not only encourage students to become aware of their «plastic footprint» on the environment, but also to become active citizens who believe in charity. It is a national campaign for which thousands of people collect plastic bottle caps for recycling. The funds are used for purchasing equipment to help premature babies. A quick overview predicts that in this campaign more than 200 tons of plastic caps have been collected. We are glad that we have contributed to this, especially students from our Ecological brigade.

31 October 2021

October 31st  is the International Black Sea Day. Scientists remind that each of us can help to protect it by not leaving garbage on the beach, not throwing plastic bags here and there, not pouring dangerous chemicals into the sewage. Students and teachers from Angel Kanchev Thind Secondary School observed this special day with several initiatives:

  • Watching videos about the Black Sea followed by a discussion;
  • Computer drawings on the topic: «I don’t want to see my favorite sea this way»;
  • Cleaning the Black Sea coast with the support of NGO Native Balkans.

Another part of “Marine Plasticology sessions” was held at Angel Kanchev Third Secondary School. It was a practical lesson on the topic «Sand on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast». Children from the primary were in action. The questions that the students had to answer were the following:

  1. What does sand consist of and what types of sand are there along the Black Sea coast;
  2. What is the color of the sand grains and why they have different colors;
  3. What is the origin of the shells in the sand;
  4. What are the main pollutants on the beach near Varna.


The students were divided into groups. They examined sand samples with the help of magnifying glass. They found that the sand consisted of:

  • shells of marine organisms;
  • black mussels and white sand mussels, mussels Venus Gallina, Cardium edule snails, rapani;
  • green and brown algae.


They examined samples of rocks and minerals from which most of the sand was formed — limestone, basalt, transparent and yellow quartz.

Students found that in addition to quartz sand, along the Black Sea coast there is also black magnetic sand, which contains the mineral magnetite.

It was interesting to compare the Black Sea sand with a sample of sand from the Sahara Desert in Africa, pointing out several differences in the color and size of the sand.

Children presented information about the black mussel and rapana. Rapana venosa is a biological invader of the Black Sea and destroys the black mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. The white sand mussels of the species Venus Gallina and Cardium edule have already been destroyed by Rapana venosa and we find only shells on the beach.

At the end of the class the main pollutants on the coast and on the beach sand were discussed:

  • plastic /plastic packaging, bottles, cutlery/;
  • paper /mainly packaging/;
  • cigarettes;
  • glasses and glass bottles.

Water is a unique part of the surface of the earth. Life on our planet depends on the rational use of water and its purity. We all use water, so each of us is responsible for it. Children from Angel Kanchev Third Secondary School, especially the Ecological brigade are aware of the importance of this problem and therefore eagerly took part in observing World Water Day. Students from the primary and secondary classes prepared drawings and posters about pollution and water purification, including some useful tips on how to save water at home. Sixth and seventh graders made beautiful books full of riddles and poems about water and the sea. Christiana and Magdalena from seventh grade drew a poster about the environment and asked their classmates to think of a suitable moto for it. Samantha’s moto was the one which was chosen. Her message is: Without water, there is no life. Without blue, there is no green «. On March 22 children arranged a beautiful exhibition in our Erasmus + corner.

The second edition of our Erasmus + Project newspaper is a fact! To see it, visit Files in Materials. Enjoy 🙂 

In order to disseminate the wonderful mobility in Italy, Bulgarian team created this eBook. Enjoy 

P.S. Thank you, our Italian friends, for the unforgettable moments!!!


April 2022

Experiments are not only for primary students. Seventh graders from Angel Kanchev Third Secondary School tested the pH of seawater and compared it to some solutions of substances known in practice — lemon juice, baking soda, ordinary soap and liquid detergent. A universal indicator was used to determine the pH of the solutions. Another way they used to distinguish acids and bases was phenolphthalein and methyl orange.
The results of the observations were plotted in a table and a conclusion was made about the nature of the studied solutions.

Marine plasticology sessions in our school went in a different direction. 5th grade students participated in a laboratory session to clean up an oil spill in a “closed sea”. They studied interesting, little-known but nature-friendly methods such as the use of human hair, enzymes that break down lipids, sawdust and boron nitride sponge. They have learned that cleaning oil spills is an important and necessary activity, but not impossible.